Do Girls Like Short Guys? How to Get a Girlfriend When You’re a Shorter Man

Many people think that online dating is a must these days, but this isn’t really true. When you date online, it’s very easy to dehumanize the people that are on the other side of the screen. It is almost completely a numbers game, and you are at a distinct disadvantage if you don’t immediately appeal to most people.

The specific problem that short guys face with online dating is that most dating apps and sites offer filters for people to narrow down their results. The chance that a woman will filter her matches to only show her men above a certain height is likely.

This means that she will wholesale dismiss hundreds or thousands of potentially good matches simply based on a numerical statistic. There might be a great guy who is 5′ 10″, but she set the cut-off at 6′, so she will never meet him.

You can’t really blame her, though, to an extent. Women get so many messages from potential suitors on dating apps and sites, that they have to filter the men somehow. Unfortunately, this often means that some degree of objectification will happen. She will reduce who you are to just a few bits of information and dismiss you easily because of it.

So What Do You Do Instead?

Well, you can meet girls out in the real world–you know, that thing that existed before we were all strapped to our augmented reality devices. This will give you a chance to meet women face-to-face, where you can evaluate each other holistically.

This will give her a chance to see what you look like, how you carry yourself, your level of confidence, and so on, and weigh various attributes equally, instead of simply filtering you out for one tiny speck of what you are.

Even further, by just approaching women in person, you are already a step ahead the hundreds of trolls who send her creepy messages on the Internet.

Does this mean you should approach random women on the street? Not if it’s not your style. Just joining a club or some social group where a lot of women hang out can expose you to prospects.

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