11 Warning Signs Of A Disrespectful Husband

Do you ever wonder ‘why is my husband so mean and disrespectful to me?’. 

Are you looking for ideas for dealing with this situation? 

Perhaps you want to know why he has started behaving like this? 

If so, read on because this guide answers all these questions in depth. 

However, before we dive into this topic, it’s important you read the following sentences carefully.

A sudden change in your partner’s behaviour doesn’t just appear out of thin air. 

It’s almost definitely due to a change in your relationship or his life in general. 

If you’re not sure what this change is, it could well be something that’s taking place behind the scenes. 

Honestly, the only surefire way to discover what’s going on is to find out

That’s why I want to recommend this powerful online tracker tool.

With just a few of your husband’s personal details, it can produce a detailed database of his recent communications. 

You’ll discover who he’s been frequently contacting, what smartphone apps he has downloaded, whether he has registered secret contact details and more… 

If something peculiar is going on behind your back, this tool will make it immediately obvious. 

Nevertheless, in this article, we look at the signs of a disrespectful husband and the guide below reveals what all women need to know about dealing with a disrespectful husband.

What Are Signs Of Disrespect In A Marriage?


There are a number of signs of a disrespectful husband – none of which are easy to take on their own, let alone if they are experienced en mass. Here we look at the top five warning signs of disrespect in relationships so that you can be aware if something is not quite right in your marriage.

He Never Asks Your Opinion

One of the main signs of a disrespectful husband is when he never ever asks your opinion on anything. If you find that he either makes decisions without your input, or he takes a course of action without your buy in, this is a massive sign of disrespect. It can often take the form of giving you the silent treatment too.

It means he does not value your opinion or input into anything he, you or your family are doing. However, never asking your opinion can also mean simply taking an interest on your point of view. This can be in any area of your life – not just when he feels the need to make a decision for you as two people or you all as a family.

For a husband to love and respect his wife, he must want to listen in on her point of view on a variety of topics – without it, a great deal of conversation between two partners will dry up. Conversation is needed within a marriage at some level to keep the sparks of desire and interest going.

He Insults You

One of the most disrespectful men signs is when a man insults his wife or partner. This can be either to her face or behind her back, but either way if you are in a disrespectful relationship, you will be aware of your partner’s bullying words towards you.

Insults happen in relationships for all manner of different reasons and often when your husband insults you, it will go hand in hand with other signs of disrespect from a man – listed here. It can be an incredibly hurtful aspect of a relationship as it tends to be the most vocal signs of a disrespectful husband or boyfriend.

Plus when you are in a relationship with a person, they tend to know you better than almost anyone. The result is not only do they know how to insult you in a way that hurts you more than anything else could, the fact that the insults are coming from the person you love, makes it even more difficult. No one likes criticism, especially when it comes from your husband.

He Takes You For Granted

A sign of disrespect can be if your partner takes you for granted. This can happen very easily in any relationship and it’s not always a problem that comes about due to disrespect for one another. However, if you see any of the other signs of a disrespectful husband in your relationship, it is very likely that he takes you and your feelings for granted.

This can manifest itself in a bad attitude from your spouse and making assumptions about you and your wants. It can also manifest itself in you doing more than your fair share of the household responsibilities or looking after the children far more than he ever does.

Being taken for granted is never easy, so be aware of it from the very beginning of your relationship or if you start to see that his attention is turning more into disrespect.

He Doesn’t Support You

Lack of support from a partner, can be one of the signs of a disrespectful husband and one of the things to be very aware of. One of the nicest things about being in a relationship is getting and giving mutual support to each other.

In a relationship where the dynamics are slightly off, these qualities are lacking and you may find that you feel alone in your marriage a great deal of the time. In a relationship or marriage where a great deal of adoration and respect is present, a couple will almost automatically support their spouse simply due to a protective nature.

When he doesn’t have that protective nature any more, he will just let you go through any pain and suffering without trying to support you through any issues you are having.

He Cheats On You

Perhaps the biggest sign of disrespect from your husband is if he cheats on you. This is often grounds for divorce in a lot of women’s eyes. However, the problem with when cheating occurs in a relationship where the wife has been consistently disrespected, is that he can cheat on you numerous times without you making any demands on his behaviour changing.

The reason being is that his other actions have made your self-esteem so low that, in your experience, you believe that a cheating husband is all you are worthy of. It doesn’t matter whether he continues to cheat on you with other wives, the nanny, a friend of yours or any other women – you simply do not feel you are good enough for him to be faithful to you and you let each infidelity go by.

How Do You Deal With A Disrespectful Husband?

How Do You Deal With A Disrespectful Husband?

There are a number of ways that you can deal with a disrespectful husband. They will all take a lot of guts to put into place – especially in a relationship where your confidence is low due to being subjected to his negative actions for so long. However, your long term happiness, dreams and lifestyle are at stake, so it is best to take control of the situation and deal with your husband’s behavior head on.

Talk To Him

If you have seen any of the signs of a disrespectful husband listed above, one of the best things to do is sit him down and talk to him about your concern over the state of your marriage and how he treats you. Discuss the boundaries that you wish to set in how to improve your relationship and tell him quite frankly about the flaws that you think are present between the two of you.

Remember To Have Respect For Yourself

One of the best ways to deal with a disrespectful husband is simply to remember that his actions are his doing, and that actually you are a person that desires respect. By remembering that you are a person worthy of affection and love, you will naturally have respect for yourself.

The importance of having respect for yourself cannot be underplayed. If you don’t have respect for yourself, how can you expect your husband too? The chances are you have lots of friends telling you are that you are a wonderful person, so listen to them sometimes too – not just your partner.

Stand Up For Yourself

Once you have respect for yourself and confidence in the fact that you are a person worthy of good things happening to her, remember as well to stand up for yourself when your other half is displaying any of the signs of a disrespectful husband.

This is important to do as not only can it make huge changes in your marriage, it can also remind you to like yourself more than you probably have done in the past to let your marriage get to the state it has.

Talk To A Counsellor

One of the best ways to up the communication in a relationship is to seek counseling treatment – either between the two of you, or one on one. If your husband does not want to see a therapist at all, you could at least gain helpful insights from any therapy sessions that could give you a lot of perspective through this crisis. A relationship expert can really help your marriage, even if your husband does not want to attend sessions with you.

Concentrate On The Kids, Your Career Or Friends

Sometimes, if your husband is not willing to compromise on anything or alter his actions in any way that shows he is happy to take responsibility for the state of your marriage, one of the only things you can do is to concentrate on other aspects of your life. Bearing this in mind, focus on things that bring you huge amounts of joy – be that your children, your job or your friends.

Marriages do not have to be the only measure of success in your life.

What Does It Mean When Your Husband Disrespects You?

When you see any signs of a disrespectful husband, it can mean a number of things. Read on to help understand why your husband may act like he does, or indeed why you may be in a disrespectful marriage in the first place.

He Has Low Self Confidence

One of the biggest reasons that a husband will ever continually disrespect his wife, is because he himself has a low self confidence. His way of dealing with that is to make his wife feel small and point out her every flaw instead. Or, perhaps by seeking gratification in the arms of another woman out side the marriage. Therapists often speak of conflicts that have arisen simply because one person in the marriage has very low confidence in their abilities.

Your Relationship Needs Rebalancing

Your partner may disrespect you in a way that you never would have thought possible when you first started dating each other. People often slip into bad habits in a marriage over a period of time and something like respect can be one of the things that takes a back burner on occasion. This can mean your marriage starts to have an imbalance where your husband makes all the decisions for you or your family.

You Have Low Self Esteem

Another reason for a disrespectful husband is because you, not him, have low self esteem. This means that you will never speak up for yourself and point out that he is out of line. If you were to tell him the truth about how he talks to you, you may find that the arguments actually help your marriage as you are not giving your husband room to be disrespectful to you.

There Is Resentment In Your Marriage

A disrespectful husband may have started to show a sign of disrespect or two because of a resentment that has grown between you both. This is not uncommon in a marriage as over a period of time there will be one thing or another that has occurred that will have annoyed either one of you. Disrespect for you, or the signs of a disrespectful husband, will often be borne out of a resentment for something that has happened in the past therefore.

How Do You Know Your Husband Doesn’t Respect You?

How Do You Know Your Husband Doesn't Respect You?

Other than the huge warning signs that we have listed above, there are a few other ways to know whether your husband doesn’t respect you. Some may seem obvious when written down, but the sad thing about when you are with a disrespectful husband, you often feel so low and bad about yourself, it takes a while to recognise poor behavior on his part.

Talking Over You

Do you ever feel like your husband doesn’t let you finish a sentence – either when you are talking with him on your own, or with friends? This can be a big indicator that he doesn’t respect you. Conversations need a couple of sides to them to be a conversation and so if he talks over you, he is not interested in listening to your opinions. This is not to say that no one wants to listen to you. Remember that your voice deserves to be heard too and that people want to hear it.

Your Desire For Each Other Has Dwindled

If your husband does not want to share any intimacy with you anymore, and you can’t remember the last time you had sex where your needs were met, then it could be that your spouse doesn’t respect you like he did when you first started going out.

This cannot be taken on its own as the sole sign that your husband does not respect you – a married life together in even the happiest of marriages will probably see sex and intimacy decrease so that the husband and wife become companions or friends. However, there will still be some desire there in some form. If this has all but disappeared in your partnership, then it could be a sign that something is missing.

He Doesn’t Let You Have Any Say In The Finances

A very common way for men who do not respect their wives to assert their control is not to let them have a say in the household finances. This can often occur as the husband does not see the need to give his wife the dignity of a say on what goes on in the home. If your husband is the breadwinner and does not let you in on any details about your bank accounts or the like, this behavior could be a huge warning sign of a lack of respect on his part.

5 Warning Signs Of A Disrespectful Husband – The Bottom Line

People often find comfort in knowing that what they are going through in a relationship is not unique and that people have survived what they are going through in their life too. This can be particularly true when there is a huge imbalance in a marriage and there is a lack of respect on a person’s side. People sometimes get used to a way of life and forget to stick up for themselves as they slip into bad habits.

Remember that you have the power to change things and that the only way to be happy is take charge of the situation and assert yourself.

Have you been with a man who made you seek permission to do anything or everything? If that’s the case, we would love to hear your story. Leave your details in the comments below or share this article with any women or people in a partnership where there is a lack of respect.

Source link: hernorm.com

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