It could be that you have a new boyfriend and you want to keep him interested in the bedroom. Or it could be that you have been in a relationship for a long time now and your sex life with your partner has become a bit staid and you want to freshen things up a bit. Either way, this article will help you by giving you 51 new things to try in bed with your other half. There is an infinite number of things you can try, which are only ever limited by your imagination, but here we list a number that is easy to do and can really spice things up in the bedroom for you with relative ease.
To do so, we’ve broken down our suggestions into a number of sections that look at various broader categories that you can choose to address in your sex life. Therefore we suggest a number of sex games you could try alongside a number of different types of positions if you have fallen into a missionary rut. Additionally, we suggest a number of ways to improve your sex life as a whole as well so that everything you try can help bring you and your partner closer together and more pleasure as a consequence.
Kinky Sex Ideas
1. Bondage
Bondage may not be for everyone, but you don’t have to do it to the extreme to still get the effect of a brilliant new sexual experience to try out in bed. All you need to do is take a few elements of the idea and use them in a manner you feel comfortable. This can mean anything from just wearing latex or leather underwear to tying each other up in the ultimate sex game.
2. Threesomes
Introducing another person into the bedroom with you can be a risky business, but when it pays off it can be fantastic as well. You can gain a lot of pleasure from seeing each other enjoy another person paying your partner a lot of attention and satisfying them sexually, while your partner can feel the same when the efforts are reciprocated.
3. A Sex Swing
A sex swing is a big investment but it can really add some fantastic oomph to you and your partner’s sex life. It is a great method to help you achieve greater penetration hitting that all-important g spot, plus the closeness of both your bodies and the eye contact you achieve while on the swing itself definitely makes it worthwhile. If you want to try something adventurous, this is a great option.
4. Blindfold each other

When you make love to your partner, so much of it is about how tactile you are with each other. The sense of touch is therefore one of the most important when you are having sex with your partner. Bearing that in mind, it can lead to great sex when you blindfold each other so that you are reliant on touch on your body alone.
5. Watch porn together
It may sound a little passive, but watching porn together is one of the best new things to try in bed with your partner. This is because you can learn so much about what your partner likes in bed, whilst also the sheer act of watching it together will make you so horny the sex you have afterward or during watching it will be some of the best sex you ever have.
6. Film each other
A natural extension of the idea of watching porn is filming each other while you are either having sex or pleasuring yourself. The voyeuristic side to filming one another is what makes it such a turn on and trying something new like this can really help you and your partner push the boundaries of your sex lives.
7. Submission vs Dominance
Much like bondage, submission vs dominance sex may not be for everyone, but if you take the lighter side of it into the bedroom with you, there should be something for everyone to enjoy. Remember that things in bed with your partner should be a way of making your bond stronger. If anything you try has the opposite effect and doesn’t make you feel good and instead you feel like you are uncomfortable, remember you have to speak up.
Ideas For Sex Positions
8. 69
This classic oral sex position is a fantastic one to try out so that you both gain pleasure while giving you partner pleasure at the same time. It is a great new thing to try in bed as feeling your partner responds to you and your excitement is just as much a turn on as the act of oral sex itself.
9. Reverse Cowgirl
Reverse cowgirl is an easy adjustment to the classic girl on top position. It’s great as turning around and straddling your boyfriend means that you can gain a bit more control – especially if you use his knees as a stabilizer, while also gaining maximum penetration. You can even rub your clitoris at the same time for the ultimate sensory experience.
10. Reverse Missionary Position

Lying down with your boyfriend on top of you while you face away from him may sound a little strange at first, but it is actually a very intimate position. Your boyfriend will naturally be close to many of the underused erogenous zones like the neck, which he can kiss or stimulate with his tongue while penetrating you from behind. Plus, he can reach around and touch your clitoris, which, with the weight of him on top of you will give you maximum pleasure.
11. Doggy style
Doggy style is a classic sex position but if you haven’t tried it with your boyfriend yet, is a great idea to suggest. He will love seeing your body from a different position and he will love how he can control the movement of you whilst he is inside you. Make sure you get comfortable before attempting this position and you’ll find you return to it time and time again as the one that brings you both to orgasm quickly and easily.
12. Corkscrew
While you lie on your side, either on your bed or another surface off the ground, get your boyfriend to enter you from behind. Remember to keep your legs pressed together throughout which can help him as you feel tighter and he still manages to touch all parts of your body throughout.
13. Face to face
If you can sit on your boyfriend while he enters you with your legs wrapped around him, you not only will ensure he hits your g spot, you’ll also be able to maintain all other physical closeness. By being torso to torso, you can also ensure that your clitoris is stimulated at the same time.
14. Eagle
What’s great about the eagle is that it’s a minimal modification to the missionary position with maximum benefit. All you need to do is lift your legs over your boyfriend’s shoulders while lying on your back as in a missionary position. In doing so, he can slowly increase penetration whilst maintaining that all-important eye contact.
15. Wheelbarrow
The wheelbarrow relies on both you and your partner being strong to be able to try it, but if you are, it’s a great one to attempt. Your partner will really get off on being able to hold you up while you have only your hands on the floor while he enters you from behind. It’s not great for eye contact but brilliant for reaching your g spot.
16. Double V
This is similar to having sex in the face to face position mentioned above, but with one difference – you both lean back as much as possible. The arching of both of your backs will increase penetration and pleasure for you both as a result.
17. Sit spoon
The sit spoon can take a bit of practice, but it’s great as he can reach all parts of your body while you control the rhythm you both reach. Simply back yourself onto him whilst he sits with his legs straddled and his back up against a headboard. Try to employ the use of your pelvic floor so that you feel like you are even tighter for him so you both gain the ultimate orgasm.
18. Spooning
Spooning your partner may not be new for many people to try, but sometimes it can be very easily forgotten about too. Yet, it is one of the closest positions that you and your boyfriend can try having sex together. It’s great because he can touch you in all the right places while he can take the lead on rhythm too.
19. Reverse scoop
The reverse scoop is another modification to the missionary position that can really bring some very pleasurable benefits. Start in the missionary and roll onto your sides so that you are still engaged. The reason this position is great is that you still manage to look at each other while being intertwined in each other’s bodies.
20. Chairman
Having sex on a chair is a great idea to try as it remains comfortable whilst also changing things up enough for you and your partner for it to be exciting. You face away with your boyfriend on the bottom, but the closeness of your bodies that being in a chair allows makes for a very sensual experience. He can touch you in all the right places too with ease.
21. Tabletop
Having sex with your partner standing, while you are lying on a table is fantastic as it allows you to take sex into a different part of the house, which can really help you spice things up a bit. The position itself is great for your partner who gets to see all your body while he gets to control the rhythm from his standing position.
Types Of Sex Game
22. Role play
Role play is an easy idea to spice things up between two people and a quick method of bringing the ultimate pleasure to one another. Simply think of an idea that is a turn on for either one of you – or both – and just go with the flow. It can really help build up the anticipation of sex itself which then makes intercourse itself even better.
23. Dressing up

A natural extension of role play is dressing up for one another. If one of you has a uniform fetish, this can be indulged as a manner of trying new things with your other half. Or, if your other half has lusted after a nurse or some other occupation, it can be very satisfying for you both to act that out for him.
24. Naked Twister
Playing twister naked is a good idea for those that are trying to keep things fresh with their partner. All you need is the board game itself, strip off and start spinning that spinner. Play it naked with each other and watch as you get up close and personal with your partner in a totally different way. Not being able to touch each other will up that much-needed anticipation making the sex you do end up inevitably having even better.
25. Strip poker
A classic game of strip poker is another method to up the anticipation of sex with each other and so a good idea if you are trying to keep things exciting between the sheets. It doesn’t even have to be poker, most games can be adapted so that you both slowly strip for each other. The longer you sit looking at each other’s naked bodies, the better.
26. Truth or dare
Truth or dare is a good idea for those that struggle to communicate their likes and dislikes verbally. Simply own up to what you do like in bed or dare your partner to do it – it can bring you both so much pleasure as you know you will ultimately end up pleasing your partner.
27. Yes/No/Maybe
Yes/no/maybe is another game that can help a person admit to fetishes or likes that they have between the sheets. The things that you have to say yes/no/maybe to can be brought up through many apps available on app stores now or simply by googling the game too. Just read them out and answer honestly.
28. Find the sweet spot
Playing find the sweet spot is a fun game where you place something sweet on a part of your body or your boyfriend does the same on his. Your other half then has to lick or kiss you all over whilst blindfolded to find that sweet spot.
29. May I?
It sounds so simple, but the game of “May I”, is highly effective. All you have to do is say, “May I” before touching your other half in any way. So may I kiss you here, or may I lick you there? It slows down sex, which then ultimately helps build the anticipation that much more making it so much better in the end.
30. Tell me where
Tell me where is yet another simple game where your partner tells you where he wants you to touch yourself. It can be really interesting to hear what they like to see and it can be very satisfying to you hearing or seeing them so turned on by the act of you pleasuring yourself.
Sex Toys To Introduce
31. Dildos
Dildos are one thing that some partners won’t like to be introduced between the sheets, while some boyfriends will love to see their girlfriend’s using a dildo to pleasure themselves. It’s a fantastic method for boyfriends to learn what you like too at the same time.
32. Dice
Dice are great sex toys to introduce between the sheets when they have words written on them. One should have parts of the body. The other should have verbs like kiss or lick. Whatever is thrown is what has to be performed which can be great fun as well as incredibly satisfying to you both.
33. Massage Toys
Massage toys can often be adapted to help partners having sex increase each other’s pleasure. While you need to make sure you can use massage toys safely during sex, the sensual nature of massage toys often lends themselves well to increasing pleasure during both foreplay and sex itself.
34. Nipple Tassels or Clips
Nipples are incredibly sensitive parts of the body so for them to have tassels or clips attached can result in a fun sexual experience that can be a great idea to try. How you use them is up to the two of you, but in general, just going with the flow and not overthinking how to use them is often best.
35. Remote controlled vibrator
A remote-controlled vibrator can be great fun for both you and your partner. The two of you can use it as or where you please – either in between the sheets or out. When out, your partner will really get turned on by the ability to turn you on suddenly without you knowing.
36. Whips
While full-on S&M may not be for everyone, a light spanking sometimes can be a great addition to some foreplay. If you don’t like it, your boyfriend may like you to do it to him, but check before you start. For some, it’s a real turn off. Whips can actually sometimes simply be enough of a visual aid that makes sex even hotter even without being used to whip each other with.
37. Handcuffs

Handcuffs can be a fun thing to try out during sex – or if you don’t have them, just try tying you or your partner’s hands up. The result is that one of you is at the complete behest of the other to bring you pleasure which can be tantalizingly good at times. Add a blindfold at the same time and you can have yourself one of the most sensual experiences of your life.
Ways To Spice Things Up
38. New places
Spicing things up in a relationship can be as easy as trying new places to have sex as well as trying new things too. So don’t always just have sex in your bedroom or even on your bed. If you don’t like the idea of doing it somewhere more public, which obviously has its own legal ramifications, simply try doing it in new places in the house.
39. Food
Food can be an excellent way to pay attention to parts of the body that can sometimes be ignored during sex. Food that can be great to introduce in a sexual manner with your partner would be things like chocolate spread or cream in a can – anything that can be eaten off a person’s stomach with minimal need for cleaning up afterward, and only needs a tongue to be consumed!
40. Try different condoms
Even if you and your partner don’t need to use condoms during sex, trying new types of condoms can really help your sex life. Not only does it make sure you are practicing the safest of sex, but you can also use condoms with ribbing or flavors that can enhance the sexual experience for both parties involved.
41. Only allow oral sex
While testing the boundaries with your partner on your sexuality can be a great way to ensure that your sex life never gets boring, sometimes putting boundaries on it can be a great way to gain maximum pleasure. Bearing that in mind, try only giving each other oral sex for a week so that when you do go back to full-on intercourse, the pleasure is even greater. Plus by just going down on each other for a week or so, you will get to know each other’s intimate parts so much better which can then help you both bring each other pleasure in the future even more easily.
42. Buy sexy new lingerie
Sexy lingerie is a really good idea to try when you are trying to introduce different things into the bedroom. The reason being is not only will your other half will love it and love to see you dressed up in new sexy underwear, but it can also help you feel more confident too. This has a positive impact on how you act whilst having sex with him too.
43. Practice celibacy for a certain amount of time
Stopping having sex for a short while is one thing that many people overlook as a way to make sure things stay fresh between the sheets. While some relationships do slip into celibacy without a conscious effort, if you ban sex for a bit with your partner, the ban will often make you both so horny, that when you can eventually have sex again, it will be all the better for it.
44. Delay orgasms

When you or your partner are close to orgasming, one thing to try is stopping suddenly and then starting again where you left off. This will delay your orgasm so that when you do start again, the person who is close to orgasming will do so far more powerfully than if they had achieved their orgasm the first time they were close.
Ways To Improve Sex
45. Communication
Talking to your partner is without a doubt one of the best ways to improve sex and keep things in bed as good as they can be. The reason being is that you will know how your partner is thinking which is a key way of knowing how the two of you are feeling at that time.
46. Lube
Lube is something that can always be relied on to improve sex and make sure it is always as good as possible. If you want to try something new, this is a good place to start. The reason being is that it makes everything feel great, right from the very start of foreplay.
47. Understand each other’s bodies
In addition to communication, you need to get to know your partner’s body and your boyfriend needs to get to know your body too. What previous partners may have liked, may not suit your boyfriend. All bodies are different, so it’s important to take the time to learn what your current partner likes and where they like to be touched.
48. Up the romance
Sex is so often far better with a person we are emotionally connected to. Bearing that in mind, a good way to achieve that emotional connection is to up the romance in your relationship so that you are as close to each other emotionally as you can be. This will make your physical connection stronger still.
49. Increase the amount of foreplay
One thing that tends to be forgotten about quickly when we have been with one partner for a long period of time, is foreplay. Yet foreplay can make the final act of sex or intercourse so much better. Bearing that in mind, try to delay having sex for as long as possible with your partner and concentrate on foreplay instead.
50. Act out each other’s fantasies
When you both up the communication in a relationship, you may find out each other’s sexual fantasies too. Try acting them out therefore and fulfilling each other’s fantasies. You’ll gain pleasure when your boyfriend acts out yours and you will also gain pleasure from being able to fulfill your partner’s.
51. Go on vacation
It may sound odd at first, but sometimes simply leaving your lives behind for a few days can be a good idea to improve your sex life. In doing so, you will be leaving behind so many of your problems and stresses which can play on your mind while having sex. These stresses can stop you from achieving the maximum pleasure you can, so leaving all your worries behind can really help prevent that.
There are so many new things you can do with your boyfriend – in and outside of the bedroom. You are only ever going to be restricted by your imagination. Bearing that in mind, try to let go of your inhibitions and encourage him to do the same.
The number of things you can try in bed with a boyfriend is infinite. It’s all a question of letting go and really exploring each other’s sexual boundaries. Remember that sex is meant to be a fun part of a relationship that can bring you closer together – if it is causing you stress, you need to address that first.
There are many ways to surprise a man in bed. Sexual ideas that are suitable for him will have to come from your innate knowledge of him however as well as what you are comfortable doing in the bedroom. Not everyone’s idea of a good time between the sheets is the same.
There are a number of freaky things to do with your boyfriend, but ensure that this is something that he wants to introduce into the bedroom before you travel down this route. Some people have far more prudish sensibilities than we think and simply enjoy having sex with their partner to bring each other pleasure.
Men tend to all be led on by some similar things initially. They will all raise an eyebrow at seeing their partner undress and then fully naked. Give this a go if you want to seduce him and then lead him to the bedroom!
New Things To Try In Bed With Your Boyfriend – The Bottom Line
All these ideas are infinitely adaptable so that if they sound too out there for you, you can find a way to modify it so that you are only ever doing something sexually that you are comfortable with.
Remember sex is meant to be pleasurable for both parties involved so if you are doing something you are truly uncomfortable doing – even if it is to please your partner – you will never truly enjoy it or strengthen the bond between you.
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