s your boyfriend always on his phone?
Is this leading you to distrust him?
Are you wondering what to do in this situation?
If so, read on because the guide below explains all you need to know.
However, before we get into the meat of the advice, there is one important fact you need to be aware of.
These feelings of distrust will never disappear until you actually know what your boyfriend is doing on his phone.
And it’s no good asking him – or accusing him of infidelity until you know this either…
He’ll deny it and you’ll have no evidence that he’s lying.
That’s why I wanted to show you this amazing discreet online background checker tool.
With just a few of your boyfriend’s details, this powerful tool will generate an extensive report of his recent communications.
You’ll learn who he’s been calling and texting, what apps he’s downloaded, what phone numbers he has registered, and more…
This report will be more than enough to ease (or confirm) any fears that he’s been playing around behind your back.
With this information to hand, you’ll be much better equipped to tackle your boyfriend’s smartphone obsession.
The guide below explains how…
1. He could be
speaking to someone else.
This is probably the
first conclusion you will come to if your significant other’s time is being
taken up by his phone, so let’s tackle this first. He could be speaking to
someone else.
However, there is a big difference in the behaviors of someone who is cheating on you, and someone who just can’t stop using their phone to do or look at meaningless things.
If you really are
concerned that he is speaking to someone else, have a look at the signs below
and see if any of them are true. If the signs do sound true, it’s probably time
to start investigating more.
– He is overprotective of his phone.
If your boyfriend or husband is cheating on you and speaking to someone else, it is unlikely that he will casually sit opposite you while he is texting his new woman. If you notice that your man is suddenly acting protective over his phone, it might be because he has something to hide from you.
– He takes his phone calls away from you.
If you notice that
your man is always walking away from you to take his phone calls or declining
incoming calls when you are around, this could be a red flag that he’s speaking
to someone else. He doesn’t want you to hear what they are speaking about or
know who he is speaking to.
– If you ask about who he is talking to on his phone, he fumbles and acts shady.
If you do notice that
your man is using his phone a lot, it is a normal reaction to ask him what he’s
doing or who he is talking to. If he has nothing to hide, then he will be happy
to tell you what he is up to. However, if he acts shady or doesn’t give you an
answer straight away, he is hiding something from you, and you have every right
to worry about that.

2. He could have serious
work commitments.
A lot of people use
their phones regularly for work. This will be the case especially if your
husband or boyfriend always needs to be contacted by his colleagues or boss.
Another situation where your partner might be using his phone a lot for work is
if he has just started a business or freelance work. He will need to be in
constant contact with clients.
This can’t really be
helped, and you should be supportive of your partner if they are working so
hard. You should try to be as understanding as possible in this situation, even
if you might feel like you are less of a priority to him.
In addition to this, your man might work so hard normally, that when he has free time, he won’t just be trying to catch up with you. He will also be trying to catch up with all of his friends and family. Once again, you do have to understand this to a certain point. However, if you feel like he is spending more time talking with his friends on his cell phone rather than speaking to you in real life, this can hurt. A good idea to combat this could be suggesting for the both of you to go and meet his friends or family. Therefore, he can catch up with everyone, in real life, at the same time.
Another idea to try
and combat the amount of time your man spends on the phone might be to try and
involve yourself in his work or business. You can offer to help share the
virtual workload to ease the time that he must spend on his phone or online.
This will not only help him, but it will probably bring the two of you closer
because you will be working together.
3. He could actually
have an addiction to his phone.
According to the
American Addiction Centre, even though smartphone addiction is not yet listed
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders research has
compared it to gambling addiction. Your partner could genuinely be addicted to
using their phone.
If you are sure that
they are not using their phone to speak to anyone else and they don’t need it
for work, this could be why they are always on it. If you find them aimlessly
scrolling through social media or playing games, it could seem like a good
thing – what they are doing is harmless. However, it can still hurt if they are
more interested in something trivial than they are with you.
I have listed some
questions below that are indicators of cell phone addiction. So, if you realize
that some of the signs ring true for your man, it could be a good idea to talk
to him about how much he uses it phone and tell him how unhealthy it can be.
- Does has always check his phone, even if no notifications are coming up?
- Is he too focused on his phone to see what is happening around him?
- Does he get angry when you ask him to get off his phone?
- Does he not realize how long is spending on his phone? Does he lose track of time?

What should you do
about the problem?
The first thing you
should do is communicate with your man.
Tell him how it makes
you feel that he spends so much time on his phone. If you are really honest
with him and express the pain that he is causing you, he might realize how much
it is affecting you.
With all men, it is
best not to accuse them. So, instead of telling him what he’s doing wrong, just
tell him how he is making you feel. At the end of the day, he is your man and
he should want to make you happy.
Secondly, you could
both make sure you have times in the day that are phone free. Sit down
together and talk about what the times are that you both spend the most time on
your phones. For example, a lot of people will look at their phones as soon as
they wake up in the morning. For others, it might be that they spend too much
time when they are going out for dinner on their phone.
If you create
phone-free time, you will be able to both just focus on each other with no distractions.
Finally, there are
several things you can use on your phones to make sure you are spending less
time on them. For example, on iPhones now, you can set time limits on apps that
cut you off from using them after a certain amount of time.
As well as this, at
the end of every week on apple devices, it will also give you a report on
how much time you have spent on your phone. I am sure there is a similar
thing for android phones or apps you can download to keep track of this.
You could challenge your
partner and see who can spend the least amount of time on their phone during the week. If you make it a competition,
he will feel less like you are attacking him. A really good way of combating
the time that he spends on his phone will be to try and spend less time on your
phone too. Make it less of a negative and more of a positive.
As much as using our
phones is something all of us do, it’s so important to make sure it isn’t
putting our relationships in danger. Therefore, I really hope that this article
has helped you if you are suffering from a lack of attention due to your
partner spending too much time on their cell phone.
Did this article help
you at all? If it did and you liked what you read, please let us know in the
comments. We would love to hear from you.
Source link: hernorm.com