Are you wondering how to drive your man crazy in the bedroom?
Perhaps you’re on the lookout for new sexual moves to spice up your relationship?
If so, boy do I have one hell of a guide for you!
Strap in and read on for my list of 25 ways to be a sexual freak for your man.
But before you do, I need you to read the following sentences carefully.
For sure, being a sexual freak will do a lot to keep a man interested in you.
But does it make him fall in love?
Not so much…
I spent most of my twenties doing everything I can to satisfy my boyfriends in bed.
But it was never enough to keep them around.
That’s because I had no idea what it was that really makes men obsess over a woman.
Thankfully, I took it upon myself to try and find the truth about this.
And in my studies, I discovered some interesting information about a psychological trigger called the ‘Hero’s Instinct’.
This is based on proven psychological patterns of how men react to certain behaviors from women.
The more I read, the more I learned how to trigger intense feelings of lust and obsession within a man.
And, as I learned to master this, they began to treat me a lot differently. You can learn more by reading my personal story.
If you can use this knowledge while also being a freak in the bedroom, he’s as good as yours.
So, I’d urge you to follow my lead and learn more about how the ‘Hero’s Instinct works’.
Then, scroll down to browse my list of ideas for how to be a freak in the bedroom.
Fix Yourself Up
You should look at your hottest if you are trying to seduce your man. Like Mendez said, “Men are visual creatures.” Sure, your man doesn’t mind you in sweatpants and an old t-shirt with your hair in a bun and no makeup on. He loves you at your worst, but how often do you get fixed up, looking your best? If it’s not frequent, you should make yourself look mega sexy!
It’s time to break out the old makeup kit (or treat yourself to a free makeover at the mall) and curling iron to make yourself beautiful. Don’t forget that hot red dress that makes your curves shine. Plus, you’ll need a killer pair of high heels or f*ck-me boots. As an alternative, you could just wear lingerie with fishnet stockings on. That’s pretty hot!
Just remember, your goal is to drive him absolutely wild, so you want to look your best! This section will go over some things you can do to improve yourself so that he will definitely know what’s on your mind. Too often, we let our words explain what we want, but when it comes to doing things in the bedroom, we need to let our bodies speak for themselves.
1. Dress sexy
You know his favorite dress, although you can’t go wrong with something red and tight. Wear something that accents the best features of your figure. Consider wearing something skimpy underneath or go commando. Then, say something like, “You’ll never guess what I have underneath!”
2. Shave everywhere
You may have been with your hunk for years now and have let yourself go a little, including not shaving your legs. If that describes you, he may be fine with hairy legs, but surprise him every once in a while by shaving everything – and I do mean everything (except your head and eyebrows, of course). Hit the spa if you need to be waxed.
3. Wear lingerie
Victoria Secrets is always having some sales going on. It’s time to break out the plastic or fetch a new card with them (you’ll get lots of perks), and go wild shopping for lingerie. Better yet, let him browse with you. This way, the two of you can pick out what he finds most attractive and sexy. Then have a runway show and model each look for him.
4. Show up naked
Again, men are visually stimulated. They like to look, so show off what you have on underneath, which should be nothing! I know you are probably harsh on yourself when it comes to your figure, but be bold and confident. Flaunt your naked body; he loves every inch of you, even that little beauty mark you are a little embarrassed of.
5. Look amazing
Like I said, break out the makeup and hair stuff and make yourself impossible to resist. Pamper yourself completely by hitting the beauty salon for a spa day; get a red hot manicure, splurge on a sexy pedicure, wax anything you couldn’t shave, and even book a sensual massage. This will make you feel beautiful and super sexy!
6. Be confident
Bustle’s sexologist, Colby Marie Zongol, explains that sexual confidence is a must in the bedroom. You may be thinking, “What is sexual confidence?” Zongol defined sexual confidence as being comfortable with yourself, being willing to express your realms of ecstasy, and being able to feel sexual pleasure without shame or disappointment.
7. Enjoy yourself
This is a surefire way to show him you are really into him. Be 100% genuine on how you feel. Communicate what makes you feel pleasure and what doesn’t. Men want to succeed in the bedroom, but they can’t read our minds, so talk! Tell him what is making you hot, what he can do next, and what you’d really love! He’s not a mindreader!
Try Something New
Sometimes, to spice things up in the bedroom, you need to be open to trying something new, be open to suggestions he may have, and be open to expressing your own ideas about how to improve your sex life. Most men crave variety, so if you are currently on a sex schedule, try breaking free from those restrictions, and surprise him with sex.
If you aren’t comfortable with these suggestions, that’s okay, too. I understand that many women just don’t want to do these things, and if that’s the case, don’t do them! The last thing your man wants is you “pretending” to want to try something new, only to later find out that you were miserable the whole time. He wants you to have a good time, too.
However, when you consider trying something new, think about what your man really wants. If you want to be a freak in bed, you should branch out. That’s kind of how you start being a freak in bed – trying something new. If you are really uncomfortable, try one of these suggestions out on your own. Do this until you are comfortable, and then bring him into the picture.
1. Do role-playing
While reenacting your favorite porno works for this suggestion, you may not be comfortable going wild. Play pretend. Meet up at a bar and role play that you are strangers just hooking up for the first time. Then, take your business to the nearest location where you feel comfortable doing it – the car, the bathroom, or hotel room!
2. Take control

While it’s true that some guys like to be the leader, others enjoy it when the female takes the lead part. Show him you can be aggressive during sex by taking complete control over your sex life (at least once). Boss him around a little bit; tell him what you’d like him to do to you and what you plan to do to him. Ignite the inner b*tch in you and be bossy!
3. Buy sex toys
Bringing toys into your sex life can make things pretty hot. They make just about anything that you can imagine. Sex toys can increase the amount of foreplay you experience before sex. This may be one of those times when you must try new things that you are unsure of. Shop together online if it makes you feel more comfortable.
4. Have sex in public
This is definitely a good way to spice up your love life. Consider having sex in a closet or bathroom somewhere, or have car sex, preferably when you aren’t driving! Go stay in a hotel and have sex everywhere. Hit the pool and turn it into a jacuzzi with your hot sex! You might get in trouble, but that makes the sex that much more exciting, right?
5. Eat ice cream off each other
Meet your lover in the bedroom wearing, well, nothing! But wait! Take a tub of ice cream with you, and tell him you are in the mood for dessert, and ask him if he feels the same way. After licking each other and getting full of ice cream, have crazy, hot sex. The sex should be heightened by the fact that there was so much foreplay before sex.
6. Film yourself
Want to make your own little porno with your lover or for your lover? Break out the camera. Learn how to do a striptease dance and thrill his sex drive with a little teasing. Film the two of you having sex and watch it again later on when you are both ready to have another sex marathon. It will really get him going!
7. Introduce a little bondage in the bedroom
Hit your local sex shop for equipment to have a true bondage experience (or shop online together). Find out if he will enjoy it by surprising him with the goodies ahead of time. Then, be coy and suggest you have something new for him in the bedroom. Watch his eyes light up in wonder as he follows you in there for his big surprise! Then, go wild!
8. Put on some good porn
Watching porn can improve sex on several levels. First of all, it can get you all hot and bothered, increasing your desire for sex. Second, you might learn a thing or two, just make sure you don’t go overboard trying to compete with porn stars. Finally, if porn isn’t really your thing, check out a hot movie like, Fifty Shades of Grey.
9. Have an orgasm
As sexologist Zongol explains, in order to have sexual confidence, you have to express your sexuality by being intimate with yourself. Having an orgasm is a great way to show vulnerability and illustrate to him that he’s doing something right. If you are having difficulty, talk to him about it. Getting you off is probably important to him.
10. Play out his fantasies

Have you ever asked your guy what his fantasies are? If not, you should definitely ask him about them. Then, see what you can do to honor his request. After all, he won’t admit to something that he wouldn’t love trying out. If he wants a nurse, shop online for an old fashioned nurse’s outfit, complete with fishnet stockings and f*ck-me boots!
11. Be kinky
According to Healthline, 1 in every 5 sexually active adults does something kinky in the bedroom. Being kinky is a little more than just trying new sex positions, although trying new sex positions can be pretty hot if done right. Usually, what is meant by the word kinky is spanking, tying each other up, role-playing, and watching porn together.
Make Him Happy
If you truly want to be a freak for your man, you should consider focusing solely on pleasing him. To keep our men around, sometimes we have to make sacrifices; this may mean doing something in the bedroom where you get no physical pleasure (although, you should feel pleasure just knowing that you are making your guy super happy).
Often, when we focus less on pleasing ourselves in the bedroom, we gain perspective on what pleases our man, and making a guy hot can actually make you hot! It’s pretty sexy to hear your man moaning in ecstasy because of something you are doing for him. Not only is it a turn on, but it can also give you insight for the next time the two of you decide to please each other.
Part of being a freak in bed is making sure he leaves the bedroom completely satisfied. You want him to remember how hot you were in bed. This will also increase his sex drive because he will want to do you more often now that he’s seen a new side of you, meaning he may want to focus more on you the next time you have sex. After all, he wants to see you get off.
1. Tease him
According to Cosmopolitan magazine, teasing a man increases the anticipation of sex, which strengthens your bond and makes him majorly hot for you. If you are apart from one another, start sexting, and don’t forget to send naughty photos. If you are out in public, gently run your hands from his knee to his crotch. You’ll make him hard, for sure.
2. Create a naughty coupon book
Men love surprises, and what better way to surprise him than to give him a homemade sex coupon book? Plus, since you can’t read his mind, and don’t know what he wants or when he wants something, you’ll be able to know exactly what he wants and when. He’ll give you a coupon for what he desires when he wants it the most. It’s a win-win!
3. Do a striptease dance
Don’t have a clue where to start with this? Check out some YouTube videos that teach you how to do this right or buy Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease Collection of DVDs. She teaches you how to do very simple striptease dances, but they’re hot! You can learn step-by-step with her, and then, do it alone to music for your man!
4. Surprise him with oral sex
Most men love oral sex, but if you really want to surprise him, do it when he least expects it. Consider setting an alarm and doing it in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. Nothing puts a guy in a better mood than a great blow job in the morning to start his day off right! Learn to love doing this, and he will be crazy about you!
5. Join him in the shower

This is another way that you can surprise him. Instead of letting him shower alone, sneak in there and go down on him to get things started. It’s probably easiest to do it doggie-style if you’re in the shower, but showers can be pretty fun and wild. Plus, it’s easy to clean up afterward; after all, you are already showering!
6. Give him a lap dance
Another awesome way to spice things up! Again, if you don’t know how to do this one, check out some tutorial videos on YouTube or check out Carmen Electra’s The Lap Dance and Hip Hop DVD. She shows you how to easily do this with a chair. Then, you can surprise your guy with a lap dance. He’ll never wanna go to a strip club again!
7. Use your nails to drive him wild
Guys can handle a little pain, and typically, they enjoy some serious foreplay. Run your fingernails everywhere; scratch his back, run your fingers through his hair, pulling his head toward yours while you make out, and scratch his back good. Leave a few marks as remembrances of your time together. (Don’t forget to leave a hickey or two, too!)
To be a freak sexually, try using an ice cube to numb his nerve endings or do prostate play. You can get pretty naughty by doing these things. Another way to be freaky sexually besides messing with his nerve endings or having fun with prostate play is sex toys.
Some freaky things to do in bed to surprise your man and drive him wild include coming to bed naked, wearing super hot lingerie, or trying something new, like giving him a striptease dance or a lap dance. He’ll be shocked at how talented you are and will want more!
Men love oral sex! If you want to drive him wild, master the art of the blow job. Watch some YouTube videos to see exactly how to do it right or take a class like what they did in the movie, Old School. Do it in a way that he loves!
Try something new like licking whip cream off each other. Wear a bikini made of whip cream to bed with him, adding a cherry on top! He won’t be able to keep his hands to himself. You can also try anal sex or playing with him in that area.
A freak in bed just means that you are open to new and exciting things in the bedroom. You want your intimacy to be red hot, so you are doing everything in your power to elevate the level of experimentation and fun the two of you share! Rock his world!
To Sum Things Up…
What kinds of things do you do to rock your man’s world? Have you tried all the suggestions offered in this article? Will you be trying anything from this list?
We’d love to hear all about it. Please add something to the comments about your sex life! Also, please share!
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