Dubya, Dad, and Dating Pt. 1

Dubya, Dad, and Dating Pt. 1

George is proud when President George W. Bush (BRENT MENDENHAL) makes a speech at the factory in order to gain more Latino votes. However, the event is slightly marred by rebellious Carmen, who heckles the President about his war policy, embarrassing George. Afterwards, George notices that Bush left his speech on the podium and impulsively takes it. Meanwhile, Benny hesitates to tell George that she is dating a co-worker, the much younger Randy (recurring guest star NICK OFFERMAN). When Secret Service agents arrive at the Lopez home and inform George that it is a felony to steal Presidential property, he lies and denies having it. Later, at work, he is arrested–but not for stealing the speech. George’s estranged father, Manny (recurring guest star WILLIAM MARQUEZ), has filed charges against George for recently assaulting him.

Part one of a two-part episode that concludes in “Dubya, Dad and Dating” Part II

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