Do you worry about your Aquarius boyfriend cheating on you?
Are signs starting to appear that he’s unhappy with the relationship and might be sleeping around?
Do you feel unable to shake these feelings of despair, as you have no way to prove he has been unfaithful?
If the answer is yes, you need to take decisive steps to find out what’s going on.
An Aquarius man can be private and secretive at the best of times, so it can be tough to find too many hints of infidelity.
Yet, these insecurities are inside you for a reason. They aren’t going to disappear without clear evidence that he is being faithful to you.
Every woman deserves to know if she’s being cheated on, but it has always been tough for them to find out if that’s true.
Thankfully, a tool has been developed to help them find out what their partner has been up to behind their backs (click here to check it out).
This powerful yet discreet background checker can catch a cheater with ease.
With just a few of your partner’s personal details, it can produce a detailed history of his previous communications.
You’ll discover who he’s been contacting, how frequently and the apps he’s been using to do it.
If he’s been using Tinder, constantly messaging a specific person, or using a secret phone number, you’ll know about it
This tool can stop you being played for a fool.
It’s powerful yet discreet, so your man will never know you used it.
To provide further assistance, we have listed the four biggest signs that an Aquarius man is cheating on their partner.
that an Aquarius man is cheating on you
1. He is acting totally out of character
You probably know your Aquarius man inside out and know what his character I like. What you will see is that his usual routines are changing. You might see that he is spending more tie on his commute, on his phone or is absent from you as much as he can be. Being able to fully trust your partner is key for a great relationship and if you are finding that he is just absent he is likely to be unfaithful. He is highly intelligent so whilst not trying to get caught, this sign will be someone who might think tactically and want you to do all the hard work of finding out and breaking up rather than just dealing with the situation, so you might see telltale signs that sow he is seeing someone else on the side. Be sure to look out for time spent away from all his usual regular haunts and hobbies. He might not tell you where he is going and will be heading over to the other girls’ home. He can be cocky around this, telling you around new female friends he is spending time with so lookout for new ‘friends’ that he has made, especially when he is known to be a real flirt around women.

If he has moved on in his mind, he may be
quite callous around your feelings in a way that is very new to you. He is
usually sarcastic and jokey, but the jokes may have an edge, his voice may
sound dispassionate and flat. You might start to wonder what has happened, and
if he is being disrespectful or hinting at cheating, the chances are that he
has already done it, or is very seriously considering it. Now is the time to
take notice of some of the other signs.
2. He is giving more focus on his appearance
You might note that your Aquarius man is
suddenly working out more, and extremely interested in his appearance. This
personality shift from left field insinuates that he is probably looking
elsewhere for someone to appreciate him on a physical level. This might have
led to the bedroom as well, another classic sign that someone is that he is not
as interested as he was at the start of the relationship because he is being
satisfied elsewhere. He is a flirt anyway and unlikely to forget his appearance
anyway, but his extra interest in how he is perceived is a sign that he really
is looking at another woman and is interested in capturing her attention.
3. He is giving too much strange attention to you at strange times
Sheer guilt can leave the Aquarius man
feeling like he needs to give you compliments and attention when he can and he
might seem regretful or sad around you some days. He is usually quiet so this
can take you off guard. You might notice that this man is someone who suddenly
starts to give you compliments or lays it on a bit too thick. This is a bad
sign that it is a switch from his usual ways of behaving and shows that he may
be feeling very guilty indeed! Because he believes in quality and has that
world like view of justice, he is probably not the type to cheat unless the
relationship is for him, in a bad way.
He takes a long time to say ‘I love you’ and sometimes he might say it
and not mean it. They have a very unusual way of showing that they love someone
and this can lead you up the wrong path. Whilst loving and protective, they can
be hard to love and to find it hard to show love.

At the same time, jealousy may switch into gear. Just as they say that it takes one to know one, if the Aquarius man is feeling guilty and aware of his failures to stay committed, he will be thinking of other men as potential threats once again. This is a really bad trait and indicates not his love for you, but his instability and inability to trust.
4. He pulls away and isn’t in touch with you.
You may already know that this is a very
hard sign to read. Cool and detached, when you are friends alone, you just
accept this, but when you are committed, this cool and off attitude is heard to
bear. It can be hard to know what is just his sign and what is cheating.
Looking out for examples of when he is dedicating his interests and focus
elsewhere. For example, you may see that the Aquarius man is spending less time
focusing on you. Despite usually being able to share his dreams and ideas with
you, you might notice that if you ask him about plans the Aquarius man is
simply unsure and gives vague answers back to you. Don’t forget that this is a
dreaming sign and an idealistic man who needs to be and feel supported so if he
feels that he isn’t getting this h will likely be pulling away and maybe seeing
someone else who he feels more excited by. He might even just need his space
and might be on his own a lot. This is an unpredictable sign and sadly nothing
is going to change this about them!
Aquarius is also usually okay not talking
for a day or so, and this can be increased if they have turned off you and are
interested in someone else – he won’t be calling or texting you and you might
notice that this feels like an even bigger gap that even you have grown used to
with this sign.
If this is happening, you need to detach
from the emotion in this situation and see if he is really being serious with
you or if he is starting to act strangely to his usual self. He will know what
level of attention you desire, so if he is no longer giving you attention and
affection, this is a sign that he has really stepped away emotionally. He can
be a sign to really mess you around if he no longer feels that attraction to
you, so now should be the best time to get out of a bad situation.
The lack of emotion you might be getting
may be distressing to you and this can be the hardest part of knowing if an
Aquarius man is cheating – he simply doesn’t want to be lent on and to have
these hard questions asked of him which means asking him vague questions around
his happiness just aren’t working. Sadly, it’s time to ask him.
the Aquarius man really cheating?
We know that if any of the signs that an Aquarius man cheating has resonated then you will be probably feeling a bit down right now. After all, we all want every relationship to work out. Sometimes that’s just not written in the stars, so for now, let’s plan to tackle that man and speak to him. Perhaps the Aquarius in your life is going through something personal and this was all a misunderstanding and he is just feeling trapped and needs his space, as this sign tends to do. We do hope so and that this is not the end of your relationship but now is the time to relax and just see.
Please do leave a comment with your
experience and also share this article across social media so we can help other
women out who are looking out for those signs that the Aquarius man their life
may be on the lookout for a new experience with someone else.
Thanks for reading.
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