DATING AN ITALIAN (and other Latin Lovers)

DATING AN ITALIAN (and other Latin Lovers)

Italian stereotypes? We’re passionate, romantic…a bit jealous maybe…and sometimes we may seem intense, but it’s only because we live and love to the fullest 😉 This is your complete guide on dating Italians (also applicable to other latin men and women!)
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â–ºBLOOPERS here:

In this (comedy) video, two fictional couples will guide you through the different stages of dating an Italian: from the first dates to meeting the family, going through passion, jealousy, need for affirmation, crazy Italian driving, eating rules and more…
Have fun! And good luck with your RAGAZZO or RAGAZZA! 😉

â–º How to be Italian:
â–º Italian Hand Gestures:
â–º ITALIAN WORDS you’ve been getting wrong:
â–º NEW ✨ “How to Pronounce ITALIAN BRANDS”:
► Love Potion ♡ Relationship Advice for Happy Couples:

Join the BOX ➪▢

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Filmed with: Canon EOS 70D
Edited with: iMovie 10

Thanks for watching Marco in a BOX!

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