15 Signs of Unspoken Mutual Attraction Between Two People

15 Signs of Unspoken Mutual Attraction Between Two People

Are you unsure whether your crush is attracted to you? 

Perhaps you’re both showing signs of attraction, but neither of you has said a word about your feelings? 

Maybe you’d like to tell him how you feel, but are worried about the prospect of an embarrassing rejection? 

If so, you’re in the right place. The guide below reveals 15 telltale signs of an unspoken mutual attraction.

However, before you dive in, it’s important to read the next few sentences very carefully. 

For years, I wasted time chasing guys who weren’t really sure whether they were into me. They’d never show clear signs of affection or make gestures to show their commitment. 

Sometimes, we’d end up in a relationship, but I could feel that their heart was never truly in it. 

More often than not, I’d be tossed to the wayside before we ever had the chance to become a serious couple. 

But I want to tell you about the day my relationships with men changed for the better…

It was when I learned about a powerful aspect of male psychology. 

It’s called the ‘Hero’s Instinct’ – and it has a huge impact on how they view the women in their life.

When you know how to trigger it, you’ll start to notice he begins to feel a lot more affectionate towards you. 

This can be the difference between being his secret crush, casual fling or long-term OBSESSION. (read my personal story to learn how I discovered this).

The best thing about this psychological trigger is that it’s so easy to activate, once you know how.   

So, it’s surely in your best interests to read the story of how I learned about the Hero’s Instinct.

Of course, it may be that your crush already has serious feelings for you. The guide below reveals the clear signs that this is the case. 

I feel compelled to put this article together for those who feel like they have an unspoken mutual attraction with someone but aren’t sure if it is the real deal. I will tell you and talk through the fifteen signs below with you, and then you might be more informed to deal with the situation you are in.

1. You can feel the chemistry between you both.


I have chosen to put this as the first point because this is what you most likely have noticed. You will be able to feel it inside you if you have chemistry with someone. Our ‘gut feeling’ or subconscious can be screaming at us, telling us that we have feelings towards this person and we still might not trust it.

If you feel like you’re floating on cloud nine when you’re with someone or you can stop checking each other out subtly, you probably have a mutual connection with this person. Trust your gut instincts, it is rarely wrong.

2. You flirt with each other.

Once again, this is quite an obvious sign of mutual attraction. However, you might not be sure. A lot of people flirt with each other but don’t have a real mutual connection with each other. Flirting is fun. We can’t blame them, can we? Although, if the flirting is done in a funny way it probably is just that – a joke.

Something to look out for is teasing. When someone teases you, or vice versa, it shows that you are close enough to tease them. You are already probably close with them, and this is just a more intimate act between the two of you. 

When I say teasing, it’s crucial to say that I don’t mean bullying – this is not flirting, this is not a nice thing to do. I am talking about the school playground type of teasing. Maybe you play fight or tease make fun of each other. This could just be the two of you trying to cover over the fact that you want to hop into bed together.

3. You will tell each other things that you don’t tell other people.

This could obviously mean that you are just good friends. However, you have put your trust in someone when it comes to sharing personal details about you or your life. This requires a certain level of intimacy. You already feel comfortable with each other.

In terms of telling each other things, maybe this person is the first person you want to share the good news you get with or the person you turn to when things get tough in your life? Whatever the reason is, it might be time to start asking why it is them you always talk to and confide in.

4. You are always close together.

Similarly, to the previous point, you might be just as close physically as you are emotionally. If you are always with each other, it could be because you can’t tear yourselves apart. When you are together, do you always stay close in proximity to each other? This could be a sign that you feel sexually attracted to them, or that being close to them makes you feel happy.

Do other people notice that you are spending a lot of time with this person? If they do, you might want to start thinking about why it’s this person in particular that you want to spend the majority of your time with.

In addition to this, do you find yourself or the other person lingering around each other? Do you make excuses to be together when you don’t need to be? If you find yourself sacrificing other friends or free time to hang out with this person, it could be because you know that deep down you have an attraction to them.

If you notice that you make more of an effort with your appearance before seeing this person, it is useful to ask yourself why. People don’t fix their appearances for no reason. It is normally because they are trying to impress someone, they know they will be spending time with.  

It might be difficult to figure out if this person is making more effort with their physical appearance for you if they always look good around you. Therefore, a more subtle way to find out is if you can tell he is adjusting himself to look attractive to you. For example, does he pat down his clothes, fix his hair or add more cologne as soon as he notices you. He is preparing himself to look his best for you and it’s a sign that he is attracted to you.

6.  You always hold eye contact with each other.

Eye contact is a really intimate thing to hold with someone. Not many people hold intense eye contact with others if they can help it. If you find that you are both staring into each other’s eyes for a long amount of time, it could be because you have both sexual and emotional chemistry together.

Have a good think. Do you both share a lot of eye contact with each other? Do you share more eye contact with this person than you do with anyone else?

If two people with a mutual attraction to each other share a large amount of intimate eye contact together, it will feel nice and make them happy inside. Is this how you both feel after sharing a stare together? It’s probably a mutual attraction if so.

7. You notice each other’s bodies a lot.

This point is more geared towards sexual attraction, but it’s still a really important point. If you think that you are just friends, ask yourself how often you look at or notice your other friend’s bodies? And how much do you look out or notice this person in particular’s body?

People with unspoken mutual attraction will look at and notice each other’s bodies, subtly. You might be able to notice if he is looking at your body. When you walk away from him, turn around. If he is looking at you, it’s because he was watching your body walk away from him. He finds you attractive.

8. When the two of you are together, it is like no one else exists.

When you are both with each other, are you both too focused on the other person to see the outside world around you? When two people who have a mutual attraction are together, it can seem like nothing else matters but the two of you, being together, at that moment in time. You only have eyes for each other. All communication with the outside world is shut off. In particular, neither of you will probably use your phones while you are together.

If you also realize that time disappears when you are with each other, this can mean that you are so into each other that you even forgot that time exists. Perhaps you have both missed important meetings or lost track of your schedules when you are together? This is a sign that you can’t get enough of each other.

9. You are both comfortable with each other’s touch.

The majority of people are very particular about who has physical connections with them. So, if you are both very touchy-feely and happy to have each other’s hands all over your body, it is because you feel comfortable with their touch. You both enjoy the feeling of being all over each other.

It might get to the point where you are constantly hugging or holding hands because you can’t be without the touch of the other person. If you are both the same in the amount of affection you show to each other, you cannot carry on pretending you are just friends. You cannot deny that you are sexually and emotionally attracted to each other.

10. You both pay close attention to each other.

If both of you are feeling a mutual attraction, you will both be very observant of what the other person is doing, or if anything changes with them. For example, no one else might notice but you might be able to tell that he has changed his hair, or he might notice you are wearing different nail varnish.

When there is an attraction between two people, nothing goes a miss. You will notice every small thing about the other person because they entice you.

This could also be said about the fact that you will pay attention to what each other says. They might mention something to you that you can recall a few weeks or months later. You fully listen to everything the other person says.

11. You both miss each other when you are not together.

If you are both attracted to each other, you will miss each other when you are apart. This other person literally completes you and makes everything better, so it is completely normal to miss them.

You will be able to tell that you will miss each other when you leave. The goodbye might last longer than a normal goodbye would last with any other friend. You are both trying to drag out the time that you spend together.

You will also be able to tell that you missed each other whenever you see each other again. You will both be so excited you won’t be able to contain it.

Do you also talk on text or social media when you are not physically together? This might be because you just can’t get enough of each other.

12. You are both always trying to make the other person laugh.

Laughing is one of the best ways to attract someone else. So if you are both constantly trying to make the other person smile or laugh, it could be because you share an attraction.

In addition to this, you probably tease each other. This is real school playground kind of flirting, but it will most likely be happening between you. You will have inside jokes about each other, special ways of making the other person laugh, or even play fighting. 

All of this shows that you are comfortable with one another. Normally, people tend not to tease others, in case it comes off as offensive. So, if you do, it shows that you have a very special kind of relationship.

13. You want to know more about each other’s lives.

Normally you will take an interest in your friend’s lives. However, with this person it is different. You feel like you need to know the personal details about their life, you just can’t wait to hear about every aspect of their life now that you are part of it. With someone who you are attracted to, you will probably be wanting to know about their life to see if they have a partner or if they are dating anyone.

Therefore, if you find yourselves talking at length about personal details or your past romance history, you can be certain that you share a mutual attraction for each other.

14. You are both always smiling around each other.

When someone spends time with the person they are attracted to, they will naturally smile. They are happy to be spending time with this person and the other person builds them up to feel great.

So, this is a really obvious sign that you both share an attraction towards each other. If you have massive grins on your faces or you go around laughing like school kids when you are around each other, you won’t be able to deny the attraction any longer.

You will be able to tell if this person makes you smile more than anyone else, and if they do, it will probably because you have a connection together.

15. Other people tell you that your chemistry is off the scale.

If other people are coming to you and telling you both that you should just get together because they can feel your chemistry, this is a no-brainer that you share a mutual attraction together.

Other people will be able to see the relationship and bond you share together, from the outside. Listen to them, because they can see the sparks flying from where they are.

What should you do now?

Obviously, while you were reading this article there was one person, in particular, that was in your head. Do you think you might have come to the conclusion that the two of you share a mutual attraction? If so, you might be wondering about what you should do next.

Firstly, I think it’s really important for you to ensure that the person does feel the same about you before doing anything. If there is no rush to take any action on the matter, the best thing you could do is wait and see what happens further down the line. It might blossom organically into a relationship together. Also, now you have the knowledge of these signs, you can also monitor the relationship between you and see if these signs ring true in your relationship together.

If they do, of course, you can take the first step and confront the person! Go and tell them you have feelings for them. You might just have needed to say it first, and undoubtedly the other person will share in those feelings. Well done for taking the initiative.

If these signs are true for you but not for the other person, I am sorry if you feel like your attraction has been unrequited. You deserve someone who adores you, and I have no doubt that this will happen for you.

If you don’t feel any attraction towards your friend but you think they are attracted to you after reading the signs, it is probably best to confront them so that no one gets hurt in the situation.


Whatever you decide to do with the information that you received through this article, I really hope that it has helped. As seen in this article, there are many signs that there is a mutual connection going on between two people. However, sometimes you just have to trust your gut instinct and take a leap of faith. 

Perhaps you have confirmed your suspicions that you and a friend have an unspoken mutual connection? I hope so, and if so, please do let us know.

Did this article help you at all? If it did and you liked what you read, please let us know in the comments. We would love to hear from you.

Source link: hernorm.com

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