13 Signs That A Leo Man Is Testing You (That You Should Know)

13 Signs That A Leo Man Is Testing You (That You Should Know)

Are you wondering whether your Leo man is testing you?

It’s a common trait in this sign to play mind games – and perhaps you want to find out if that’s what he’s doing with you? 

If so, read on. 

This guide reveals the 13 signs that a Leo is testing you. 

However, before we get into this, it’s important that you read the following sentences carefully. 

There is a powerful aspect of male psychology that is key for women in relationships to understand. 

When you activate this way of thinking inside him, it can create intense feelings of longing, desire and devotion.

It’s called the ‘Hero’s Instinct’ – a little-known psychological principle, but one that can transform so-so relationships into beautiful loving lasting partnerships.

I was awful at keeping men’s interest until I discovered this principle. To learn how I turned this around, read my personal story.  

This is a simple skill to learn, once you know how. Yet, so few people seem to know about it. 

If you’re hoping to strengthen your relationship or take it to the next level, I recommend you learn how I discovered the power of the ‘Hero’s Instinct’

In the meantime, the tips below will help you discover whether a Leo man is testing you.

What a Leo Man looks for in a woman


A Leo man looks for a number of things in a woman to balance out certain parts of his personality. This sign of the zodiac is one of the fire signs and as such he has an equally passionate and powerful persona. The women that match up with a Leo will always be one that balance out these characteristics best, or at least can stand up to them too.


If you want to be with a Leo Man, you best ensure that you have the strength of character to do so. A Leo Man may want to have a girlfriend that is doting and totally besotted with him, but that does not mean he wants a total pushover. Instead, a Leo Man wants a lady that has something about her and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.

For your relationship to work you will need to find the balance between letting him be the leader while also being strong enough to call him out on things when necessary. He also wants to see a woman’s strength elsewhere other than just in their partnership. This means that a Leo’s girlfriend needs to be someone who is happy to speak out on issues or problems as and when they see fit.

Do you see something going on in your community that you see as unjust? He will want you to bring attention to it. Has someone been unfair to you at work? He will alway be attracted to you if you speak up about your treatment to the relevant people.


Hand in hand with seeking strength in a partner, a Leo man in love will always seek out a girlfriend that has a healthy dose of confidence. He won’t want to be with a woman who is insecure and constantly questioning herself, her looks and her actions. He will like to see his girlfriend as someone who is happy in their actions and their abilities.

The reason being for this is that this Zodiac sign is also very confident in his abilities too, so Leo men like to have this confidence matched in their relationships. This is because they simply don’t understand feeling any other way. They just don’t get it. The often take it for granted that their certainty and assurance in their actions is common across all people.

This can make it difficult sometimes if you are not a naturally confident person. However, if you want a Leo Man to fall in love with you, you will have to step outside your comfort zone and be far more determined than usual.


To complete the trilogy of confidence and strength, a Leo Man likes his girlfriends to have ambition. He will need them to know what they want in life and how to succeed. Again, this may not come naturally to you, but take it as an opportunity to readdress some direction in your life while also garnering the attention of your Leo.

You may feel like this is quite overwhelming at first, but if you are serious about bagging this Leo, then now is as good a time as ever. Never looking at your career or what you want to achieve, is a huge turn off for Leo.


It may come as a surprise to some ex girlfriends of a Leo, given how confident Leos are, but one of their biggest down falls may have been that they were never supportive enough when dating him. This can be tricky to get right, but a Leo Man does need to know that their girlfriend will always be there for them if anything does indeed go wrong in their lives.

A Leo is happy to take risks and put their head above the parapet on many occasion – as is the way of the natural leader in this zodiac sign, but that does not mean they are happy to fail either. They want to know that when they make mistakes, their other half will always be there for them.


As a fiery sign of the zodiac, Leo men are nothing if not passionate. To get a Leo Man to fall in love with you, he will need to feel like you are just as passionate as him. Leo men will soon walk away from a relationship that does not have the level of passion in it that he requires.

A Leo loves to spend time in the bedroom and will want to spend as much time as possible between the sheets with his girlfriend. He will never stay with a woman that does not need to sleep with him very often – this is not because he is sex crazed, it is simply because he sees passion and making love as a natural extension of the love and desire he has for his girlfriend.


Loyalty is such an attractive trait in anyone, but it is a characteristic that a Leo man loves to see in his girlfriend. In fact, a Leo Man will see it as a must have. Without loyalty, he will never fall in love with the lady that he is currently dating or trying to date.

If you think about it logically, a Leo’s need to have loyalty from his partnership comes from his need to have a supportive partner too. One leads into the other. If a Leo Man ever feels like his partner could be two faced towards him, he will will also think or know that her support is never something that he can rely on all the time either.

Therefore make it be known that you are dedicated to your relationship, that you need your Leo man in your life and his is the only one you can see yourself in love with.

How to know when a Leo man is playing youHow to know when a Leo man is playing you

So is your Leo Man testing you? Look at the following signs to know whether your Leo man is testing you or not. This can be a great way of knowing whether your relationship has got what it takes to stand the test of time, or whether you should think about walking away.

He goes quiet

A Leo Man is very guilty of going very very quiet when he is playing games with his girlfriend. It comes down to not knowing what he wants which consequently manifests in him retreating from the situation while he figures it out. A Leo man will usually be very honest with you if he wants to break up with you, so have confidence in the fact that if you have not had a conversation about parting ways, then he is probably just having some time out to reassess things with you.

He spends more time with his friends

Every so often in a relationship with a Leo man, he can retreat into becoming a bit of an alpha male who craves his male friends’ company. It is one of his ways of testing you to see whether you will stick around. He does not do this in a calculated manner and he won’t even realise that he is doing it.

You have two ways of approaching this type of behavior therefore. You can either accept it and realise it is his way that is not malicious, or you can call him out on it. It may feel like you are being antagonistic or starting a fight with your Leo, which you may not want to do. However, as a supportive and caring boyfriend, he will appreciate your honesty and admire your strength of character to call him out on times when his behavior is making you unhappy.

He picks fights with you

A Leo man testing you will be very guilty of picking fights with you to see whether you have staying power. It comes down to his complicated character that is confident but also someone who has a fragile ego. Picking a fight with you is his way of seeing whether you care enough to stay with him.

This can sound incredibly misguided and it can also be incredibly infuriating at times as you will feel like you have more often than not done nothing wrong. The reality of the situation is, you probably haven’t done untying wrong at all. He just wants to know that you care and that you will stay with him even when life gets tough.

His arrogance goes into overdriveHis arrogance goes into overdrive

Another method of playing a girlfriend is to start being hopelessly arrogant all of the time. This can be infuriating and difficult to be around at times. But a Leo man will save this behavior for a woman that he is in love with as a way of pushing her away to see if she comes back.

Again, as with all mind games, this can be hard to deal with but, if you are serious about your Leo, it will be necessary to power through as best you can. Again, reassurance that you are not going anywhere will do your relationship the world of good.

He is making plans without you

This is a massive sign that your Leo is playing you and sadly it can really get underneath the skin of some women. Understandably too, as no one wants to see their other half is making plans without them. To many, a relationship is sharing a life and experiences and so if you see your man living life quite happily without you, it can be tough to take.

Signs that a Leo Man is testing you – The bottom line

Do any of these signs feel familiar to you? If this is the case with you, then simply take the time you need to think about what your wants. Do you need to be with a man who won’t behave like this for the rest of your relationship? Or are you happier being on your own without being continually tested to see whether your intentions are good and honorable?

It can be tough when you feel like you are being tested all the time, plus it can also be very tiring. However, as ever in any relationship, communication is key. If you are ever at the point that you think you will break up with your Leo because he is playing you too much, then you need to talk to him and admit to him that it has crossed your mind to walk away.

Give examples of how his behavior is hurting you, but also give reasons why you would like to stay. Hopefully by talking with him and being honest, a trait he finds attractive in women, you will be able to work through your issues.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Have you ever been tested by a Leo Man? Leave your comments below to tell us how you have been made to feel in the past by this sign of the zodiac and share this article to anyone you think will find it helpful.

Source link: hernorm.com

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